Friday, February 27, 2009

This Made Me Laugh Like A...

Last night Ruby was telling us about a camping trip she's going on this summer - apparently we're not invited - and all the things she was going to do and see on this trip. The part I liked best was how she was going to listen carefully for "hi-neenas." I asked her numerous questions about the hi-neenas just so I could hear her say the word over and over again, and I'm not sure I've ever heard anything cuter in my whole life.

So if you get a chance, be sure to ask Rubes about them. The hi-neenas.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ain't That America.

Momlissa reports that this morning, she turned on the car radio and our local classical station was playing a patriotic-sounding march. As soon as she heard it, Ruby said, "This is America!" Momlissa asked her why the music was "America"; Ruby's response? "Because it sounds like a gentleman."

Dadam's Clone

Last weekend Cecilia and I were sitting together while she was flipping around the channels. There wasn't much on until we got to PBS (the only channel worth having if you ask me, especially now that they show so many cooking shows!) and she said, "Oh! Nature!" And then we spent the next five minutes watching a bunch of wolves attack and kill some elk.

She is definitely Dadam's child (I didn't even know they were elk!).

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I've Heard Of A Split Personality, But . . .

[Cici and Ruby are playing.]

Cici: Okay, Ruby, you have to ask your mom if you can go outside.

Ruby: Okay. Mom? "Oh, yes, honey?" Can I go outside? "Oh, sure you can." She said I can go.

Seeking Comfort In The Late Morning.

[Ruby is running around in her underwear, despite having been fully dressed a half hour earlier.]

Momlissa: Rubes, did you take your clothes off?

Ruby: No.

Momlissa: You didn't?

Ruby: No. Just my shirt.

Momlissa: What about your pants?

Ruby: Oh, those too off!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Creepy Child.

[Ruby is staring with wide, strange eyes and a serious mouth at some heart decorations taped to the wall.]

DADAM: Ruby, what are you doing?

RUBY [with her normal face]: I'm trying to make those hearts sing.

[She resumes making her intense staring face.]

Bowl Me Over

Auntie Sarah came over for a visit on Monday and we took the girls bowling (with bumpers, of course). It was only the second time bowling for both of them, and all things considered they did pretty well. I managed to get some fun action shots as well as some video of both Cecilia and Ruby:

Auntie Sarah came out on top score-wise, but a great time was had by all!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Cici and Ruby continue their love affair with The Sound of Music, which Ruby of course refers to as "Maria." (Actually, that's probably a more fitting title.) The best thing is - and you really have to hear this to get the full effect of it - when Cici sings along with the songs, she mimics Julie Andrew's unmistakable, ecstatically British diction ("the FIRST three notes just happen to be," "WILD geese that fly with the MOON on their wings!", etc.). I actually think all kids who watch this movie do this; it just isn't possible to sing these songs without trying to do Julie Andrews, is it?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ruby's Alternate Name for 'Green Eggs and Ham':

'Sam and the Meal.' (I love it.)


Here's another little Cici note I just found; I'm not sure where it's from.

I'm thankful
for my family
I'm thankful for
my sister I'm
thankful for
my parents
I'm thankful
for my cat
I'm thankful
for my harmit crab
I'm thankful
for my home
I'm thankful
for my toys
I'm thankful
for my friends

Friday, February 13, 2009

Will You Please Don't Yell.

Momlissa and I were having, shall we say, an enthusiastic conversation with each other a while back, and apparently while we were doing so Cici was busy writing. She never showed us what she had written, but I found it later:

be nice
will you
don’t yell

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Momlissa got a call at work today from Ruby's daycare provider, who told us that for the first time ever, two kids at her daycare had gotten into a dispute that she had no answer for.

One of the kids was Ruby, and the dispute was about whether two girls could get married to each other.

Guess which position she took.

Attagirl, Rubes.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Science Fair Update - Two Words:

Blue. Ribbon.

From the judge's evaluation:

What a wonderful idea! Cecilia is very good at laying out her scientific ideas and explaining them. The project had GREAT details that were interesting. She took excellent records and obviously worked hard. The photos were great and really helped! Cecilia is a confident, enthusiastic presenter.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nerd Alert!

Tonight Cecilia completed her science fair project, and I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the final product. I especially like the part where she notes how the goldfish smelled like barf. Cecilia worked very hard on this, and it's not actually required work -- participation in the science fair is optional. I know that someday she'll claim to hate school, so for now I'm going to enjoy how well she's doing and how much fun she's having in the process. (For those who know her mother well: Can I just tell you how concerned she was that her handwriting looked good? That's my girl!)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ruby The Fatalist.

Dadam: Ruby, I'm sorry I stepped on your hat with my boot and got it wet.

Ruby: It's okay.

Dadam: It was an accident.

Ruby: No, it wasn't an accident.

Dadam: What?

Ruby [sagely]: There are no accidents.

[Note: For those of you who haven't seen it, Ruby is quoting the old martial-arts master in Kung-Fu Panda.]

Monday, February 2, 2009

Fifth Time's The Charm.

Ruby: Do I go to swim class today?

Dadam: No, Ruby, not till Thursday.

Ruby: Is Thursday this day?

Dadam: No.

Ruby: Is it Sunday?

Dadam: No.

Ruby: Thursday?

Dadam: No.

Ruby: Saturday?

Dadam: No.

Ruby: Monday?

Dadam: Yes.
