Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

All day Rubes has been a snuggle monster, beginning at 6AM this morning when she crawled into bed with me and took over 90% of the space in her efforts to get closer to me. This afternoon, sitting outside in the Easter sunshine, she sat on my lap and snuggled right up.

Me: You are quite the snuggle bunny today! Did you take your snuggle pills this morning or what?
Rubes: Yes! I took two of them!
Me: Well, that explains it.
Ruby [in a serious tone]: You know those aren't real, right?

And just for the fun of it, here is another of our exchanges from the day:

Me: You're a super kid, ya know that Rubes?
Ruby: And you're a great mom.
[And then she kissed me on the forehead.]