Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Tooth Fairy That Almost Wasn't.

Momlissa has already mentioned that the Tooth Fairy brought Cici a dollar, which is about four times the going rate when I was a kid, if I recall. (Not to sound like Andy Rooney or anything.)

But she didn't mention that we had some anxiety when the supreme moment finally arrived; after being whipped into a frenzy by me ("Look under the pillow! Look under the pillow!"), Cici drew back said pillow to reveal - nothing.

The anxiety wasn't on the part of Cici, who is a very selfless little girl. (This, after all, is the kid who slept past 8:30 on Christmas morning, and who, when she got up, was almost more interested in cereal than Santa.) No, it was on my part, and I began frantically tearing apart the bedding, saying, "Don't worry, Cici, the Tooth Fairy didn't forget, I think it's pretty safe to say the Tooth Fairy didn't forget."

And, of course, she didn't. As those who know my children well can attest, they both thrash wildly throughout the night, and the dollar was ultimately found to be not under the pillow, but under the bed.

Cici was pleased enough (the dollar went in the piggy bank), and I suppose I needn't have worried. But something tells me next time the Tooth Fairy might take extra steps to ensure that cash prize is exactly where it should be the next morning.

Ones involving duct tape, perhaps. . . .

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