Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Richard asked if he could be my boyfriend!"

First of all, no, Cici does not have a boyfriend.

But she apparently could have at least one, if she wanted. Yesterday when she came home from school she had something very funny to share with the family, and she could barely get through telling us without snorting with laughter.

“Richard asked if he could be my boyfriend!” [snort]

Well, what did you tell him?

[Louder snort, as if the very question is ludicrous.] “No!”

Why not?

“Because I’m just a kid! Kids don’t have boyfriends.”

Oh, really?

“You can’t have a boyfriend until you’re fifteen.”

Not sure where she got that idea, but if it’s OK with her it’s OK with me. But what about Atty, whom she had previously said she was going to marry?

“Nah, Atty’s just my friend.”

Oh, not your boyfriend?

[snort!] “No!”

Enjoy these days while they last, right?

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