Monday, April 7, 2008

It Couldn't Last Forever.

You remember how a couple months ago we were bragging about how Cecilia had never even heard of Hannah Montana? Well, now, thanks to one of their grandmothers who shall remain nameless (JUDY), Cici has been indoctrinated into the cult of the preteen phenom/scourge. We have yet to get any requests for $300 concert tickets, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

Additionally, the girls are now both obsessed with the hideous recent movie version of Alvin and the Chipmunks. So much so, that Cici just composed a thank-you note for the video store. It reads:

and the
its a great Movie
it is awesome
it is funny
it is so great.

I'm sure somewhere up there David Seville is smiling. . . .

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