Monday, July 7, 2008

Peanuts & Cracker Jack

The four of us went to our first Twins game as a family yesterday and it was quite the outing! We took public transportation on the hottest day of this summer (so far), ate lots of crappy ballpark food, and watched the Twins rally in the 7th inning to beat Cleveland. Cici managed to eat an entire Dome Dog all by herself and Ruby enjoyed the freedom to scream in public and not be reprimanded for it: "Go Twiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiins!" To cap it all off, after the game was over the girls got to go down to the field (along with about a million other kids) and run the bases. It was all very fun until Ruby got scolded by an usher for wandering toward the Cleveland dugout. So, oops.

A memorable adventure to be sure!

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