Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Run, Don't Walk

Last Saturday Cecilia and I ran in the Get in Gear 2K, just as we did last year. There were two big differences from last year -- it wasn't snowing, and this year Cecilia ran the whole thing without stopping to walk. There were a few points where I had to talk her through it, encouraging her to take deep breaths, use her arms, and "dig deep." She complained a bit about leg pain, which probably has something to do with recent growth spurts (she's complained of leg pain like this before - not just while running), and I was tempted to slow it down to a walk. She toughed it out, and as we neared the final stretch I told her we were going to turn on the gas and finish strong. Well, she interpreted this as, "run at a full sprint" and she took off like a rocket. I could NOT keep up with her sprint after running 1.2 miles, so my focus was to keep her hat in sight and not lose her in the crowd. I guess she wasn't so tired after all... Stinker.

And here is Ruby, who joined in the group stretching activities just for fun. She was probably the youngest stretcher by about 25 years, but it was a hoot to watch.

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