Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pray for us.

Many of you know that I'm about to leave my job so that I can go back to school for my Master's degree. This also means that the girls will be leaving their current daycare arrangement, something that's truly heartbreaking for us because it's just that wonderful. This summer I'll be home with the girls full-time, and in the fall Cecilia will go back to school and Ruby will start a half-day preschool in the neighborhood.

So, what's with the title of this post?

I really believe that parents have to make a choice that works best for them and their families when it comes to staying home versus going back to work. For me it has always been a relatively easy choice, not because I'm so committed to my work (though I am), but because I have absolutely NO. PATIENCE. It doesn't fill my heart with joy to wipe up spills all day, or argue over whether or not it's too cold for Ruby to wear shorts, or to make crafts out of Popsicle sticks, cotton balls, and glitter. It's just not my thing. I'm madly in love with my children -- I really really am -- I'm just not sure I want to spend every waking moment with them. And so I worry about how cranky I'll be, or how they'll like me less if I'm around so damn much, or if they'll eventually plot to murder me in my sleep.

So wish us luck, send us your positive energy, and if you see that it's me calling your cell phone please pick up and talk me off the ledge. My last day at work is June 5th.

1 comment:

M. said...

Oh! I'm always up for some babysitting - give me a call if you need a Sane Mommy Break :)