Saturday, May 29, 2010

Birthday Girl

Yesterday was Ruby's 5th birthday. I have no idea how this has happened - it seems I blinked and my baby went from an infant to a big kid in mere moments.

She spent her morning at school: paper crown, ribbon pinned to uniform exclaiming "It's My Birthday!", and sharing chocolate cupcakes with her friends.

She spent her afternoon playing with a gift from her Auntie Piggy: a Barbie with puppies that actually "pee" and "poop." (Confidential to Jenny: GROSS!) She couldn't be bothered to stop for lunch or even to look up occasionally.

She spent her evening with her family: homemade pizza that she requested as her special birthday dinner (her toppings: pepperoni, red bell peppers, onions, and a little bit of turkey sausage), rhubarb cake for dessert, and presents from Mommy, Daddy, and Cici. I believe the biggest hit was her own copy of Singing in the Rain which she got from her sister. She can't even LOOK at the box without saying, "Cosmo!" and giggling to herself.

And because it's Ruby and the day just wouldn't be complete without some drama, when she was putting her bike away in the garage she got in a dispute with her sister, tried to run away, wiped out in the driveway, and took off some skin on three toes and her elbow. That's our girl: Ruby, Queen of Neosporin and Band-Aids!

Today she's have a little swimming party with a few friends from school, so we'll post some pictures later in the day. Big thanks to Cici who is letting us borrow her camera for the weekend (how pathetic is that?!).

This photo is from March, but she looks so darn happy here with Cousin Vanessa I just had to put it up for her birthday. Ruby and Vanessa: Two of the most beautiful people I know.

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