Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blame the Corn on the Cob

Recently this happened:

She was very cool about the whole thing (unlike her sister, who was always a touch dramatic about losing a tooth). She was eating some corn on the cob and then stopped to calmly say, "Something is happening." When Dadam took a look, he simply had to reach in a pluck the dangling tooth right out.

The best part of the story is the visit from the Tooth Fairy, because Ruby actually had a sleepover at Auntie Landi's house that night. We told Auntie Landi and Uncle Bill to make sure she was good and asleep before they went in to make the money/tooth swap, and we sent along the cash money, too.

As it turns out, Landi and Bill managed to lose the tooth in those 2 hours between leaving our house and bedtime, so they put a popcorn kernel in a baggie and waited until the lights were out to give it back to Ruby. Rubes was none-the-wiser and came home with dollar in hand, pleased as punch.

1 comment:

Ms. Varichak said...

Am I surprised about Landi and Bill losing her tooth? Let me check...NO!