Monday, December 20, 2010

First Game EVER!

Last Saturday was Cecilia's first ever basketball game (the previous week's game having been canceled due to 7,000 feet of snow). She was a little bit nervous but seemed to really enjoy herself once she got into things.

She also had her own cheering section: Mom, Dad, Ruby, Great-Grandma, and Great Auntie Dolores were all there to cheer her on. Her team lost and she was disappointed, but it was a good opportunity to learn about being a good sport and that winning isn't everything (though that's always been a hard pill for Momlissa to swallow...). The chocolate chip pancakes afterward helped her bounce back pretty quickly.

There probably won't be lots of basketball pictures because it's more fun to watch than it is to to try and catch her in action, but here she is in all her first-game glory. Go Mustangs!

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