Sunday, February 13, 2011

Word Play and Play Play

We have a new game at our house called Bananagrams. It's similar to Scrabble in some ways, but you have the ability to continually rearrange your words. It's very fun and Cecilia and Dadam are regular players (and inevitably there is a "Mom! Can you come help me?!" so I get to play a lot, too).

But sometimes, because she's only 8, Cici has to check to see if she's spelling actual words, and sometimes the results are pretty hilarious. For example, yesterday I overheard her ask Adam if "tit" was a word. I chuckled listening to him explain what slang is, and Cecilia laughed at herself when she learned she was asking about a naughty word. Then, only moments later, she asked about another word that - frankly - is too vulgar for our gentle, regular blog readers (Hi, Linda!). In this instance he simply told her that, no, that was not a word and that was that. Yikes.

Ruby used a word the other day that I've been meaning to jot down here, and that word is "mastitious." Given the context I knew she was combining two words, mysterious and suspicious, but I think Ruby's word says it all. Also, totally adorable.

Finally, yesterday was Cici's last basketball game of the season and it was a NAIL-BITER! It actually game down the buzzer and the game ended in a tie. We are a little sorry to see the season end because she loved it so much and we had so much fun watching her, but we're already planning to put up a hoop on the garage once the warmer weather arrives for good.

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