Saturday, September 3, 2011

Doctor Pepper

Last night we attended a little gathering to celebrate my cousin's recent engagement (yay Kari!), and there was the usual spread of food that comes with a Martinez family gathering. This includes a bowl of sliced jalapenos, and at some point Cici and Adam agreed on a dare that Cici would eat a jalapeno slice for $5. She bravely ate the pepper, chased it with a large glass of milk, and happily collected her money.

And then Ruby got involved.

I didn't actually see it go down, but the next thing I know my baby is in the bathroom howling. It seems that the pepper never actually made it in her mouth, but she did manage to get it in her eye. It took several minutes of eye-flushing (and the clever idea of just giving her a bowl of water for her to dunk her eyeball into) before she settled down. With her eye submersed in water she was still able to ask if this effort qualified her for the $5 reward, and given the situation, Adam obliged.

Oh, Ruby. Only you.