Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Big Sister

A couple weeks back Ruby was practicing her banjo and found herself stuck trying to read some notes she couldn't remember (or something like that - I was trying to get dinner on the table).  She asked for my help but I'm afraid I'm not great in that department, and I tried to prompt her with questions and suggestions to no avail.  As she got increasingly frustrated, it occurred to me that there is some similarity to viola (right?), so I called to Cici to come over and see if she could help us.  What happened next was completely adorable, as they sat together on the couch, the big one helping the little one get through her assigned music homework.  At a time when they bicker with great regularity, this was a welcome and heart-warming scene.

On Monday, Cici had her first Destination Imagination practice (hereafter to only be called DI) and so she stayed at school instead of riding the bus home.  This meant Rubes was on her own for the bus ride home, something she almost NEVER has to endure.  That night I found a note that Cici wrote for Ruby, instructing her to sit by Jack on the bus and that he would show her his iPod Touch.  This is awesome for a variety of reasons: 1) Jack is a good friend of Cici's and also a 5th-grader, who was sweet enough to agree to this arrangement that meant he was sharing a seat with a 2nd-grader; 2) Cici was thoughtful/worried enough to handle this in advance, knowing Ruby would be on the bus without her; 3) She took the time to write a note and get it to her sister (I'm still not sure how); 4) Even though Cici can be hard on Ruby at times (more and more often, I'm afraid), they really do love each other.  A lot.  I hope it's always that way.