Friday, June 6, 2008

Bedtime Checklist.

We've mentioned many times here that Cici zonks out the minute her head touches the pillow whereas Ruby usually needs to accomplish a few things at bedtime before settling down to sleep. Here's what those things consisted of last night:

1) Coming downstairs to ask for Cheez-Its
2) Playing the ukulele
3) Calling for extra blankets
4) Putting together a Tigger puzzle
5) Calling for help putting together the Tigger puzzle
6) Helpfully informing us that she believed Cici was having a bad dream (when I gently shook Cici and asked her if that was true, she woke up and said, "What? No.")

I should add that when we first put the girls to bed, I had informed them that they could talk a little, but only to speak in whispers . . . so of course as she went through this list of items Ruby was talking in the tiniest little voice you ever heard.

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