Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Earn a Sticker!

Some of you know that I like to compete in sprint distance triathlons (which is nothing compared to Dadam's marathon), and as such I need to be pretty diligent about training. I follow a training plan that has me running, swimming, or biking 6-days a week (sometimes multiple things in one day), and this isn't always something I look forward to. As a motivator, I put a shiny star sticker next to every workout that I complete so that at the end of the week I can see how awesome I was at training. (Seriously, it helps.)

The other day Ruby saw me doing this and wanted to know what it was all about. I explained my system and then she asked if she could add the sticker. After she had done so, I asked if she could tell what I had done that day by reading the word. She sounded out all the letters -R-U-N - and was trying to put the sounds together. I was helping her along with the sounds but she kept putting the U sound first, making the sound uuuurrr, uuurrr. I was about to correct her when she settled on her final answer:

Uuuurrrrn a sticker!

Good enough for me.

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