Saturday, April 10, 2010

Run in the Sun

Saturday afternoon I needed to get in a run and decided to run outside because the weather here was ridiculously beautiful. As I was stretching in the living room, both girls made it clear that they also wanted to go running, and they wanted to go NOW. After some pouting and then negotiating I agreed to let them run with me, first Cecilia and then Ruby.

Simply put, running with Cecilia was magical. She was a few steps ahead of me most of the way, and I spent most of that time just watching her run. It comes so naturally to her (something I've never been able to say), and she looked like a gazelle with her long, lean muscles. Every so often I would nudge her and ask if she was okay and she'd just smile and nod and then keep on truckin'. Along the way she also pointed to flowers and would comment on how pretty they looked, and at one point we came across someone's hopscotch game and she jumped through it and then immediately resumed her jog. When all was said and done we had gone about 20 minutes at a pretty decent clip.

Sometimes - like during that run - I find it hard to believe she's my daughter. I'm baffled that I'm a part of something so amazing. She is unbelievably earnest, and kind, and innocent, and has such a big heart.

The world is a better place with her in it, and I'm grateful that she wants to run through it with me.

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