Thursday, April 7, 2011


Ruby: The child who can't get just a little bit sick. When it comes to illness, she likes to go big.

On Monday she was sent home from school with a terrible cough and on Tuesday morning she was diagnosed with pneumonia. On Wednesday she was sent home (after being cleared to go back to school) because the meds she's on caused her to act like a hyper maniac all morning and then crash with exhaustion in the afternoon, and then we spent the evening fighting with her about whether or not she could go outside to play.

The upside is that we spent some time watching a Top Chef marathon together, and her insights were fascinating. For instance: Why don't the contestants just make spaghetti? Everybody loves spaghetti.

So true, Rubes. So true. Now get better.

1 comment:

Penn said...

Rubes does everything "large"!