Monday, September 10, 2012

Five Words

School is back in session and we're filling out paperwork fast and furious.  Cecilia's teacher sent home a "Help Me Get to Know Your Child" sheet to fill out, and this morning I spent some time writing about my daughter.  What an interesting exercise!  I think it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day business of parenting (brush your teeth, do your homework, practice your instrument, how was your day?), that there isn't a ton of time left over for reflection.  I just had to consider what motivates my child, what upsets my child, her strengths, some challenges, etc.  I appreciated the opportunity to stop and think about these things, because it's also a great reminder that my daughter - while practically perfect in every way - is also a developing person and the star of her own life, not just a character in mine.  You know, like a whole person who will someday be an adult.  (I think she's going to be an amazing adult, because she's already one helluva kid.)

In a fun, college-application-type exercise, I was asked to list five words that best describe my child's character.  This is what I came up with: earnest, thoughtful, empathetic, hilarious, and sensitive.

But she's also so much more.

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